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Data Search GIS 4043
This week in data search we were to collect our own data and project it into a single projection to be used in a map. I was assigned Nassau County and collected a DOQQ (the NE region) a DEM and five vector layers to be used. I chose to re-project layers into the same projection changing the "03" designation of North into "01" East as that was the quadrant I was using. I ran into some problems with some layers showing through and finding land that was not township range in the data base provided but for the lack of time had to submit what I had.
GIS Sharing Week 4
This week we created map packages for sharing as well as troubleshoot errors that may arise. The information provided went more extensively into spatial reference and appropriate situation to use them as far as the area of the earth you may be working with. I created a Top 10 list of water-based Florida State Parks based on a web sites criteria (I have not visited them all to be able to rank them) and provided url links to them all. I input all of the information into a excel spread sheet that could then be used in other applications. I developed the map a little further in both ArcGIS and ArcMap. Link to ArcGIS: https://arcg.is/08OHuS
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